Burn more calories and loose fat with home exercises


How to Burn more calories and loose fat with home exercise


Squats are one of the best exercises for weight loss. When you do them correctly, you engage your core and entire lower body.
  • Start with feet hip-width apart, arms either at your sides or holding weights. Keeping your weight in your heels, begin lowering your legs and raising your arms in front of you.
  • Keeping your back straight, lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Remember to keep your knees in line with your toes the entire time.
  • Maintain an even pace and rise back to a standing position. Repeat 3 sets of 15 reps.
Here is video showing health benefit after doing squats :


There are many variations to the lunge, but the plain jane forward lunge is still very effective for weight loss, as it works multiple muscles at once (think: gluts, quads, and hamstrings) for max calorie burn. Get ready to move those short-shorts to the front of your closet.
  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart. Place hands on your hips or hold weights, and take a controlled step forward with your right leg.
  • Keeping your spine tall, lower your body until your front leg and back leg form a 90-degree angle.
  • Pause, then bring your right leg home to start.
  • Now do the other side by stepping forward with your left leg.
  • Do repetitions as per your level mentioned in below chart :


This exercise effectively targets your core, chest, and legs simultaneously. Feel the burn and know you're building lots of lean muscle.
General Steps to be follow for doing burpees :

Step No.
Steps to follow for Burpees
Squat Position
Squat thrust
Push Up
Frog Jump
Jump Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Push your hips back, knees bent, and lower into a squat.
  • Place your hands on the floor directly in front of you and shift your weight to them. Jump back softly to land on your feet in the plank position.
  • Jump your feet forward so they land just outside of your hands. Reach your hands up and jump explosively into the air.
  • Immediately lower back into a squat for the next rep. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Complete 3 sets

Below video will showcase how burpees can be done based on you level of exercise :

4.Mountain Climbers 

Whether you use resistance bands or not, mountain climbers are an excellent way to burn calories. The quick leg motion targets oblique’s, butt, and hamstrings.
·   Loop center of band around a stable post like a couch leg. Start on floor in plank position facing away from post, feet placed in handles like stirrups.
·   Alternately bring right and left knee in toward chest, not allowing toes of bent leg to touch floor.
Do repetitions as per your level mentioned in below chart :

5.Jump Rope

Jump rope is more than a middle school gym class activity: It's a total-body toner made for weight loss. Challenge yourself to complete a full minute of jumping—we won't judge if you bust out the '90s jams too.
  • Check the length of your jump rope by holding it in your hands and ensuring the handles line up with your shoulders.
  • Start with feet together, hands holding ends of the jump rope, elbows in toward your ribs.
  • Swing the jump rope and hop over with feet together. Do not jump in between, just jump with each swing of the rope. Continue jumping for 1 minute. Complete 3 sets.

6.Body-Weight Exercises

Body-weight exercises get your heart pumping and your muscles activated. Increasing your muscle mass means more calories burned, even when you're not working out.
  • Start with arms at the your side and feet together. Jump feet apart and raise hands into a jumping jack. From there, place hands on the ground, jump feet out and back in. Rise up back into a jumping jack. Continue for 10 reps. Complete 3 sets.
  • Stand with legs straight, right hand on your hip and the left leg lifted. Bend and touch your right knee with your left hand. Continue for 10 reps before switching sides. Repeat for 3 sets.
  • Get into plank position, with hands on the ground and legs outstretched behind you. Begin driving your knee into the opposite shoulder. Continue switching legs for 45 seconds, repeat for 3 sets.
Here is quick (Very quick though) 5 min workout for all body,which will sure pump you and your body :
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Live Happy..Stay Happy..


Live Happy Life

Aristotle said this more than 2,000 years ago. And it still holds true today. What is the true purpose of life, if not to live a happy life until we die?
Happiness is one of the most sought-after goals in life, yet for many it seems to be elusive. It’s easy to delude ourselves into thinking, “When I just have that nice house and new car, then I can be happy.” But in reality, happiness is available to all of us, right now. A big house or a new car won’t actually make you happier; it’s the simple joys in life that bring true happiness. Following are the some of listing to be happy and stay happy :

Live Happy Life

1. Do What You Love
If your passion is playing soccer, writing poems, singing or dancing make time to do it. You’ll find that when you’re doing what you love, you’re filled with joy. How much better does that sound than forcing yourself do something you don’t like? So do what you love for earning or learning to enjoy the best part of life.
Do What You Love

2. Help Others
Sometimes after we’ve achieved our own personal goals, we still feel empty inside because we haven’t made a meaningful contribution to someone else’s life. When we volunteer or help others, it feels good to just be of service to someone else. The impact we make feels fulfilling and is a big potential source for our own happiness.
3. Share With Others
When we share our thoughts, our time, and our abilities with others we feel better for it. A life lived without sharing can become lonely. When you share with others, they’ll feel great towards you and help you to feel more joy in your own life.
4. Smile More
Practice smiling more and see how it affects you internally, as well as those around you. You can always afford to give a smile. 
Smiling can make you happier — even if you have to force it, you’ll still feel better.
5. Exercise
When was the last time you went to the gym or worked out? Exercise reduces stress and 
releases endorphins, also known as a “runner’s high.” Playing sports is a fun way to exercise as well, whether it’s kicking around a soccer ball or shooting hoops.
6. Seek Out a Life Coach
A life coach will help you to evaluate your life and why you’re not feeling happy in it. Maybe you’re holding limiting beliefs or you have an emotional block without realizing it. By speaking to a life 
coach, you can uncover why you’re actually unhappy and what you can do to feel better.
7. Find Ways to Manage Stress
Don’t let stress rob you of your birthright to be happy. You deserve to be happy, and it wouldn’t be right to let stress get in the way. Practices such as meditation can help you to manage stress better and feel great.             
Manage Stress

8. Eat Healthy
It’s much more challenging to feel truly happy when you’re sick. But when you eat right, you feel better both physically and mentally. And you’ll avoid that guilty feeling that you just pigged out on junk food.
9. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones
There’s no replacement for spending quality time with your loved ones. We’re social beings, even if you’re an introvert or a loner. People love spending time with their friends and family for good conversation, bonding, and some laughs. Life’s too short to live it completely alone.
10. Dump Negative Thinking
You already know that negative thinking will bring you down. So how do you stop it? Become more aware of it and try replacing your negative thoughts with some positive ones. Spend less time with negative people and more time with positive people.
11. Give More Gifts
You don’t have to give expensive gifts; sometimes a poem, a quick note, or a thoughtful email will brighten someone else’s day, and yours. Share what you can give to all the wonderful people in your life.
12. Forgive and Forget
Holding a grudge will harm you more than the person you’re holding it against. Ask yourself, “What would it take for me to let go of the past?” and notice how you feel when you let go of your anger for a few seconds. Focus instead on a bright future and you’ll feel better for it.
13. Take a Walk in Nature
Spending time out in nature can be very refreshing and renewing, especially when you’re living in an artificial, man made world. Taking a walk in your local woods or park and getting some fresh air can allow you to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
14. Be Yourself
As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Accept who you are, just be yourself, and you’ll feel a world of difference.
Be Yourself

15.Fake it till you feel it
 Feelings follow actions. If I’m feeling low, I deliberately act cheery, and I find myself actually feeling happier. If I’m feeling angry at someone, I do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften. This strategy is uncannily effective.
16.Buy some happiness
Our basic psychological needs include feeling loved, secure, and good at what we do. You also want to have a sense of control. Money doesn’t automatically fill these requirements, but it sure can help. I’ve learned to look for ways to spend money to stay in closer contact with my family and friends; to promote my health; to work more efficiently; to eliminate sources of irritation and marital conflict; to support important causes; and to have enlarging experiences. For example, when my sister got married, I splurged on a better digital camera. It was expensive, but it gave me a lot of happiness. 
17.Take action
 Some people assume happiness is mostly a matter of inborn temperament. Although it’s true that genetics play a big role, about 40 percent of your happiness level is within your control. Taking time to reflect, and making conscious steps to make your life happier, really does work. So use these tips to start your own Happiness Project. I promise it won’t take you a whole year.
18.Be Thankful
When you think of all the things that you have to be grateful for, you realize how blessed you already are. Without even realizing it, we take our basic necessities for granted — a roof over your head and plenty of food to eat. By appreciating the things that you already have, you’ll begin to feel happier in your life.😊
Be Thankful

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